Rabu, 17 Juni 2015

Tugas Bhs Inggris 2 ( Complaint Letter)

Coolen Street No. 208, Bekasi              Bekasi, Mei 13 2015
Jawa Barat postal code 52255

Customer Service
Thehun Fashion
Gangnam No. 208

Dear Sir or Madam,
I have ordered 2 dozen Dress Size M, and L, 3 dozen Blouse Size M, 2 dozen Party Dress Size M and L, 2 dozen Long Dress Size M. I received the order on Mei 12. When I checking the item, there was a fault item. I remember to order 3 dozen Blouse Size M, but I just received 2 dozen Blouse Size M and 1 dozen Blouse Size S. To know whether there was one dozen mistake, you can check the annotation about my order again.

To resolve the problem, I would like you to send me one dozen Blouse Size M like I ordered before and I will gift you back the wrong item to you. Or if the pack of Blouse Size M which I ordered had been ordered by somebody else, I hope you give me back the money for the amount charge of the one dozen Blouse Size M.

I have been your customer for long time, and you know it as well. This the first time I get the problem like this relate to your srvice. If you need to contact me, you can call me at 0812345678910.


Astri Nur Lely

Kamis, 07 Mei 2015

Resume Kuliah Umum Ekonomi Syariah

Kuliah Umum Ekonomi Syariah ”Being Global Leader in Islamic Finance”
Oleh Ronald Ruliando, Ph. D

Saya akan meresume mengenai Kuliah Umum yang saya ikuti dengan pembicara Ronald Ruliando, Ph. D. Semoga dapat bermanfaat….^^p

Dalam Kuliah Umum Ekonomi Syariah, kita mendapatkan banyak materi bermanfaat mengenai Ekonomi Syariah di dunia pada zaman sekarang ini. Melihat perkembangan dunia pada saat ini, jika kita ingin meningkatkan ekonomi syariah kita harus melihat dunia luar sebagai acuan untuk dapat meningkatkan ekonomi syariah.
Dalam pertemuan Kuliah Umum Ekonomi Syariah ini materi yang disampaikan secara garis besar dapat sebagai berikut :
1.      Mengenai siapa Global Leader In Islamic Finance
·         Telah diketahui Global Leader Islamic Finance yaitu sebagai berikut Bakhdi Syah Islami, Dr. Gaya Abdullah ( seorang muamalaf), Volker (organisasi yang membuat standar ekonomi syariah di dunia), Dr. Zeti Akhtar Azis (Pemimpin Negara di Malaysia), dan Prof Dr Rifaat Ahmad Abdul Korib.

2.      Motivasi menjadi Global Leader In Islamic Finance
·         Keuangan
Pengelolaan keuangan Bank Syariah dan Bank Kovensioanl berbeda. Seperti sistem peminjamannya, Bank Syariah sistem peminjamannya tanpa bunga. Peminjaman bunga dalam Syariah dinilai Riba dan menciptakan ketidak adilan bagi beberapa pihak. Dan investasinya pun itu tidak sembarangan. Riba haram karena riba itu tidak adil, dapat merusak keadilan, dan menyebabkan kemalasan.
·         Mewujudkan keadilan ekonomi
·         Mengetaskan kemiskinan
-       Orang-orang yang memilki kelebihan uang disalurkan kepada orang-orang yang tidak memiliki uang.
-          Membantu pengusaha-pengusah mikro.
-          Gramming Bank : Pengusaha Makro dibantu dengan pelatihan.
-          Mendukung kemajuan keuangan ekonomi Negara.
-          Penyediaan dana.
-          Pelatihan : kemampuan teknis, manajerial.
-   Perusahaan makro mebantu perusahaan mikro untuk memasarkan produk (pendamping perusahaan).

3.      Mengapa kita perlu Global Leader?
·   Dengan adanya Global Leader kita dapat dorongan untuk meningkatkan ekonomi syariah. Dengan meningkatnya ekonomi syariah kita dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi.

4.      Home work in Islamic Finance
·         Perlu keselarasan antara hukum yang berlaku dengan ketentuan syariah.
·         Peraturan yang dibuat oleh lembaga perbankan

5.      Tips menjadi Global Leader in Islamic Finance
·         Meluruskan niat
·         Memperluas wawasan
·         Memperdalam pengetahuan
·         Bangunlah visi

Sekian resume yang saya jelaskan semoga dapat bermanfaat, mohon maaf jika ada kesalahan penulisan menganai materi yang dijelaskan di resume tersebut. Terima kasih =p

Rabu, 06 Mei 2015

Tugas Bahasa Inggris 2 Order Letter

Thehun Fashion,                                    Bekasi, Mei 06, 2015
Gangnam No. 20,

Dear Manager of Thehun Fashion,

My name is Astri Nur Lely, Manager of BAE STROY STAYLE. I would like to order:

1.      2 dozen Dress Size M, and L

2.      3 dozen Blouse Size M

3.      2 dozen Party Dress Size M and L

4.      2 dozen Long Dress Size M

Concerning payment, all goods will be paid 60% after the order arrived and 40% will be with in a month.

Please deliver our order in two weeks.

The address I would like these order shipped to is:

Astri Nur Lely

Coolen Street No. 208,


Yours faithfully,

Astri Nur Lely

Tugas Bahasa Inggris 2 Application Letter

HRD Department
Bank Rakyat Indonesia
Cabang Bekasi
Ir H Juanda Street No 93st
Bekasi City

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to you to inquire about the possibility of working in your company that was informed by Website www.bri.co.id. I am interested in “Administration” position.

My name is Astri Nur Lely. I am twenty one years old. I have background in Bachelor of Manajemen in Gunadarma University. And now i have graduate from my college and waiting letter of graduate. With my educational background, I’m confident that my qualification and skills could make significant contributions to your company. I will be able to operate computer. Besides that, I am a person who can work either independently or as part of team. I am also initiative, hardworking, and eager to learn.

My resume has been attached which outline my qualification in greater detail. I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss my qualification; please keep this application confidential. I can be reached anytime via email at astri.nurlely@email.com or my cell phone, 0812345678910. I will look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely yours,

Astri Nur Lely 

Selasa, 14 April 2015

Tugas 2 Bhs. Inggris Bisnis 2 (Order Letter)

Thehun Furniture,                              Jakarta, April 14, 2015
Cheodangdom No. 08,

Dear Manager of Thehun Furniture,
My name is Astri Nur Lely, Manager of PT. STRO UTAMA. I would like to order:
1.      1 set sofa and table ‘korean style’
2.      5 set desks and chairs ‘Chitose’
3.      50 folding chairs ‘futura’
4.      2 set desk type L with chairs
Concerning payment, all goods will be paid 60% after the order arrived and 40% will be with in a month.
Please deliver our order in two weeks.
The address I would like these order shipped to is:
Astri Nur Lely
PT. STRO Utama,
Gahol Street No. 208,



Kamis, 02 April 2015

Tugas 1 Bhs. Inggris Bisnis 2 (Application Letter)

HRD Department
Bank Negara Indonesia
Cabang Jakarta Kota
Lada Street No 1st
Jakarta Kota

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to you to inquire about the possibility of working in your company that was informed by Website www.bni.co.id. I am interested in “Front Liner ” position.

My name is Astri Nur Lely. I am twenty one years old. I have background in Bachelor of Manajemen in Gunadarma University. And now i have graduate from my college and waiting letter of graduate.

With my educational background, I’m confident that my qualification and skills could make significant contributions to your company. I will be able to operate computer especially MYOB . Besides that, I am a person who can work either independently or as part of team. I am also initiative, hardworking, and eager to learn. I have been training at Perum Jasa Tirta II Jatiluhur.

My resume has been attached which outline my qualification in greater detail. I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss my qualification; please keep this application confidential. I can be reached anytime via email at astri.nurlely@email.com or my cell phone, 0812345678910. I will look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely yours,